Monday, April 21, 2014


"Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud" - Kushandwizdom

As I was walking down the hallway to class last week I passed 2 students and a staff member walking in the opposite direction as me. I kept looking up and was going to give them a pleasant morning smile, but every single one of them walked by with their heads down. I know it can be awkward when you are walking down a long hallway and someone else is walking toward you and you don't know where to look or how long to smile for, but I think it's much better to keep your head held high and just smile at the people passing by you.  I don't know why I was so bothered by the fact that no one looked up. I didn't know any of them, but it's always nice when a stranger passing by smiles and says hello. I feel that people nowadays either are socially awkward, are too consumed by their cellphones, or just lack confidence and don't want to be noticed by others.

I know this may sound creepy, but I enjoy people watching and just observing the behaviours of others, and the individuals that I remember the most are those that walk around with confidence.  I think confidence can leave a lasting impression on anyone and is a difficult thing to master. To me confidence is accepting your flaws, embracing your failures and loving who you are. It's not something you are given, but something you build overtime and no one can take it away but yourself.


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