Sunday, March 23, 2014


"Don't just fall in love with the result; fall in love with the process. For when you fall in love with the process, the results take care of themselves" - unknown. 

At first clean eating wasn't easy, but I've learned a lot about food this past year and the proper way to combine certain foods based on their pH and their absorption in the body. I've slowly grown to enjoy cooking and making sweat treats that aren't full of high fructose corn syrup. I recently discovered how simple it is to make "fruit roll up" with just fruit!

  •  2-3 mangos
  1. Peel and cut the mangos and place them in a food processor
  2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and spread the mango puree as evenly as possible (note: if you have a lot of puree, use 2 baking trays because a thinner layer is better than a thicker one)
  3. Add 4 tbs of raspberry or strawberry puree for aesthetic appeal*
  4. Bake at 175ºF for 3-4 hour

  • 6oz. container of strawberries
  • 1/2c honey*
  1. Wash and dry the strawberries and cut the stems off
  2. Puree strawberries and add honey if desired
  3. Line baking sheet with parchment and spread evenly
  4. Bake at 175ºF for 3-4 hours
After baking, the "fruit roll up" should have a tacky consistency (Quick tip: If there are parts that still have puree keep baking it). Let it cool and roll the "fruit roll up" in the parchment.  Cut it into 1" rolls and enjoy! These can last 1 week in an air tight container.


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